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If toms shoes coupon continues to give away shoes and if operation christmas child keeps shipping little goodies overseas, then there will be long-term negative consequences.
People will die of starvation, and there will be increased social unrest. Both of these could lead to wars. Is that what you want? If not, then don't donate to these companies. Support local or even regional organizations within the countries in which you are interested. It just makes sense.let's look at another organization. Operation christmas child asks people to put candy and other little cheap goodies into shoeboxes, and then it ships them overseas.why? Not one of the 20-something countries I've been to have not had candy and cheap, little toys.
Learn about the inspiration behind cheap toms shoes. With every pair you purchase, toms will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for one. One pair of toms shoes can enable a barefoot child to attend school and protect him or her from painful diseases. Now, you can make a difference and save money when you use toms coupons. Toms shoes is making a difference in the global community around us. To date over one million toms shoes have been given away. With toms shoes coupons you can save money and help a poor child get shoes!
Toms shoes on sale also sponsors the one day without shoes, which takes place on april 5. for 24 hours, participants don't wear any kind of footwear to raise awareness for poor children in developing countries, according to the company's website. According to the site, more than 250,000 people participated in the event last year."the purpose is to be really visible and have people ask why we are walking without shoes on and tell them about the problem that exists," miller said.the shoes cost between $40 and $100 a pair from toms shoes' website. Most are slip-ons or low-rise, laced shoes and made from burlap, corduroy or canvas.the information come from http://www.hervelegerinsydney.com/.

